Approval to issue a Support memo

November 3, 2022

Legislative Directors,

As you are aware, all support memos or memos in opposition issued by the New York State Public Employee Conference must be a unanimous agreement by all members of NYSPEC.  The only exception is if the issue at hand is listed in our legislative booklet, then PEC can issue a MIS or a MIO without seeking approval since the legislative agenda has been approved by all members.

In my conversations with Comptroller DiNapoli the below listed bill is important to the Comptroller and he would appreciate our support.

This proposed legislation we need clearance for in order to do a support memo for the restoration of the Comptroller's oversight is:

S6809-A Senator Reichlin-Melnick / A7925 MoA Zebrowski

Our Comptroller continues to support and stand up for the labor and I would like to issue a support memo..  

Please review the mentioned legislation.  If you do not want PEC to issue a support memo I ask that you send via email your reason(s) .  If I do not receive any opposition to issuing the Support Memo by close of business Monday November 7, 2022.  I will proceed to issue the Support Memo.   If you agree, there is no need to respond

In Unity,

Peter D. Meringolo

NYSPEC, Chairman

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