NYSPEC 2022 Legislative Booklet

December 9, 2021

Legislative Directors,

I hope all of you enjoyed Thanksgiving and you are all staying safe and healthy.

I know this is a very busy time of the year for everyone, however as a reminder if you were supposed to submit something for the NYSPEC 2022 Legislative Booklet please send it no latter than close of business December 15, 2022.Whether it was something to add to something already in the book or a change please email it to me.

Once the booklet goes to print, I will not be able to make any changes.

I need to finalize the booklet so I can have it ready to distribute to the legislators at our Annual Breakfast.

Our Breakfast is scheduled for February 1, 2022 at the Hart Lounge "The Egg" I will be inquiring with management at the Hart Lounge as to the requirements if any for entrance to the Hart Lounge due to COVID and when I am advised of what they are I will pass it on to you.

I look forward to a successful Legislative Breakfast and to seeing many of you there.

In Unity,

Peter D. Meringolo



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