To All:
In light of the current situation we all are facing, the NYSPEC legislative meeting we had scheduled for March 24 is postponed until further notice.
As I continue to monitor the situation in Albany, it appears that the Capitol and the LOB will closed to us until, at the earliest, near the end of April.
First and foremost, we all need to be concerned about the health of our loved ones, ourselves, and our members as we all try to come to grips with everything that is happening.
The leaders of the Assembly and the Senate and the Governor, and key staff are meeting and hammering out a budget agreement, and when they reach an agreement the legislature will be called in to vote on it. Like many of you, I will still be monitoring what is happening. My hope is that a “bare bones” budget will be enacted which will contain nothing that will adversely affect Public Employees, since we cannot be present to voice objections to negative issues and lobby to have those issues removed.
During these trying times for all of us I wish all of you to be safe, and good luck in continuing to service your memberships. Unions have always been able to band together during trying times, as we so clearly demonstrated after 9/11, and I feel confident that we will once again rise to the occasion.
Please be safe.
In Unity,
Peter D. Meringolo