PEF Request for Member Unit Opposition Memos

May 19, 2020

As you are aware, NYSPEC's long-standing policy requires approval by the membership before we can issue a support or opposition memo with respect to pending legislation which has not passed both houses of the legislature.

One of our member units, theNew York State Public Employees Federation (PEF), has issued an opposition memo to pending legislation which negatively impacts their membership.  In an effort to forestall the legislation's advancement, PEF President Wayne Spence is seeking the support of NYSPEC, and he has requested that our member units issue their own opposition memos to bolster PEF's effort.

I have attached PEF's opposition memo, and urge all member units to consider issuing their own opposition memo.  In addition to the sponsors, please send a copy of your memo to PEF's Director of Legislation,Patrick Lyons:

Thank you.

In Unity,

Peter D. Meringolo


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